Wednesday, 30 April 2014





Black Meat Chicken :

Three different breeds of Black Meat Chicken (BMC) is spread Across the globe. They are :
1. Kadaknath-Native: Madhya Pradesh, India.
2. Silkie-Native:China.
3. Ayyam Cemani -Native :Indonesia

What is Kadaknath?

Kadaknath is only Black Meat Chicken (B.M.C.) Breed of India. It is a native bird of Madhya Pradesh, reared mainly by the tribal communities of Bhil and Bhilala. The commonly available colours of kadaknath are jet-black, penciled and golden.
The bird is very popular among the adiwasis mainly due to its adaptability to the local environment, disease resistance, tasty meat quality, texture and flavour. though the flesh of this breed is black, it is considered not only a delicacy of distinctive taste, but also of medicinal value.

Nutrilive Value:

Protein content in kadaknath is higher than 25% in an ordinary bird it varies between 18-20%.
Research has shown that this species has lower cholesterol(0.73-1.05%) than white chicken(13-25%)
High levels of 18 amino acids out of which 8 are essential for the human and rich in hormone.
Vitamins B1,B2,B6, B12, C and E, niacin, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, nicotinic acids, etc.

Medicinal Properties:

Kadaknath has special medicinal value in homeopathy and a particular nervous disorder.
The tribal uses kadaknath blood in the treatment of chronic disease in human beings and its meat as aphrodisiac (Believed to infuse vigor in Make).
Experts says that Viagra or Sildenafil Citrate is basically a vasodilator designed for increasing blood flow to the heart and the melanin pigmant in kadaknath does the same.
kadaknath chicken has a peculiar effectiveness in treating women’s discuss, sterility, Menoxenic(abnormal menstruation), habitual abortion.


The eggs are also an ideal nutrilive, especially for old people and high blood pressure victims, since the cholesterol content is lower Rich in amino acids and higher than that of other kinds of birds.
The eggs of kadaknath chickens can be used effectively to treat severe headaches, headaches after giving birth, faintness, asthma and nephritis (acute or chronic inflammation of the kidney).

Merits of Kadaknath Chicken Meat :

High nutrition , the protein content higher than other native chicken.
  • 1.High Protein more than 25% (highest of all chicken breeds).
  • 2.Low fat 0.73-1.05% only (lowest of all chicken breeds).
  • 3.Vitamins B1,B2,B6,B12, C and E, niacin, protein , fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, nicotinic acid etc.
  • 4.High levels of 18 essential amino acids as well as hormones that are required by the human body.
  • 5.The Central Food and Research Institute, Mysore , studied its medicinal qualities and found it suitable for cardiac     patients as it increases blood supply to the heart.

Kadaknath Nall - ennai Chicken

Kadaknath Chicken cooked in Nallennai is an authentic South Indian village dish. Nallennai (gingely oil) adds great flavor to the chicken. Kadaknath chicken would be the best choice for this dish.

Ingredients :

  • Kadaknath chicken ( preferably with bones and skin) - 1 pound, cut into small cubes
  • Onion - 1/2 (finely chopped)
  • Tomato - 1/2 (mashed)
  • Ginger-Garlic paste (Ingi poondu vizhudhu) - 2 teaspoons
  • Gingelly Oil (nallennai, sesame oil) - 2 teaspoons
  • Salt to taste
  • Daily Samayal's special karimasala podi - 3 teaspoons
  • Mustard (Kadugu) - half a teaspoon
  • Fenugreek (Vendhayam) - 5-6 seeds
  • Curry leaves (Kariveppilai) - 5-6 leaves
  • Coconut (Thengai) - 4-5 (one inch piece each), ground into a fine paste. While grinding coconut, dry grind it first to avoid lumps.
  • Turmeric powder- 1/2 teaspoon

Procedure :

  • Add 2 teaspoons gingelly oil (can be substituted with peanut oil/ corn oil/ vegetable oil but gingelly oil gives the traditional village flavor) in a flat-bottomed vessel.
  • Add mustard seeds, followed by fenugreek seeds.
  • When mustard splutters, add curry leaves, chopped onions, salt, turmeric and fry for a few minutes.
  • When onion turns slightly brown, add ginger-garlic paste and fry for a few seconds (until the raw smell is gone).
  • Add kadaknath chicken and half a cup of water (adding too much water would spoil the taste, adding water until the chicken pieces are fully immersed would be the right amount). Cook the chicken until done, it would take about 12-15 minutes approximately. *Do not add tomatoes with chicken at this stage, it will make the chicken rubbery. Add tomatoes once the chicken is cooked *
  • Add 3 teaspoons of Daily Samayal's special karimasala Podi (substitute it with 1 spoon chilli powder, 2 spoons coriander powder, half spoon garam masala powder), and mashed tomatoes. Cook for another 6-8 minutes.
  • Add ground coconut paste to this mixture and allow it cook for another 5-8 minutes.
  • Allow it to stand for a few minutes and then serve with hot rice or chapatis.
  • Entire cooking is done on a medium heat.
  • Spice level : Very spicy.
Kadaknath chicken whole sale and retail available